*First Impressions*

Carolina Living 1st Impressions Myrtle, HH, & Savannah Uptown & Duke B-day Season Summer fun Panning for gold & back to school Feeling like Fall Sunset Beach Christmas Meet Spicy Folly Beach Message Board

I think we are going to like it here...

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Home Sweet Carolina Home

Huntington Beach, SC

The kids love playing in the back yard.

Our 1st trip to a Carolina Beach

Our 1st trip to Carowinds

Oh no! There goes our hard work!

Andy LOVES Dora.

Miss Maci

Connie & I went to Charleston, SC while she was here.

I drove us there & didn't even get lost- that day!

Market Street in Charleston

We ate at Jestines- it's been featured on Rachel Ray's $40 a Day